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4.4 ( 1264 ratings )
الإنتاجية التعليم

Sis­te­si is now avail­able on iOS!

SIS­Te­si is a digi­tal plat­form that sup­ports the con­cept of "in­de­pen­dent learn­ing" it is a school man­age­ment in­for­ma­tion sys­tem ap­pli­ca­tion, which has been trust­ed by many schools in In­done­sia.

With SIS­Te­si you can eas­i­ly ac­cess all in­for­ma­tion and ac­tiv­i­ties and get lat­est news up­dates from the school.

Stu­dent de­vel­op­ment can also be eas­i­ly mon­i­tored by par­ents in re­al­time, start­ing from At­ten­dance lists, assessment scores, pay­ment of tu­ition fees, class sched­ules and oth­ers. These can be done wher­ev­er and whenever the par­ents are; in the of­fice, at home and in oth­er pub­lic places

With SIS­TE­SI teachers work be­come eas­i­er and more productive to do administrative works and learning activities. In the app the teach­ers can evaluate assessment result as well as, coun­sel with par­ents and com­mu­ni­cate di­rect­ly with par­ents.

strong­ly sup­port the Go-green move­ment by us­ing SIS­Te­si for every stu­dent ac­tiv­i­ty such as learning, assessment and communication.

Key Fea­tures:

- At­ten­dance is real-time and can be mon­i­tored by par­ents
- Stu­dent de­vel­op­ment at school can be seen and de­liv­ered to par­ents
- Bridg­ing good com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween school, teach­ers and par­ents
- Facilitate the administrative work of teachers
- Pro­vide in­de­pen­dence for stu­dents in learn­ing

Terms of use :

Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy :